Rampal Plant To Inject 660 MW To National Grid From July | Energy Bangla

2022-06-18 23:40:29 By : Ms. Joy Qiao

Home » Power Sector » Rampal Plant To Inject 660 MW To National Grid From July

The ultra super critical thermal Rampal Power plant is expected to kick off its first unit in July this year to add 660 MW to the national power grid while it is set to go on full-fledged operation in November producing a total of 1,320 MW.

“With following the government’s strict environmental policy, the 1,320 MW Moitree Super Thermal Power Project (Rampal) is being implemented with financial and technical support of India,” an official familiar with the process told BSS here today.

He said as per the schedule authorities of the project have expected to start operation of its first unit having a generation capacity of 660 MW from July, while the second unit with same capacity will begin generation from November.

According to the project, Bangladesh-India Friendship Power Company Limited (BIFPCL), a joint venture company, has been constructing the power plant.

It said the physical progress of the project till March 2022 is over 79.30 percent and the financial progress is 76.1 percent. The cumulative cost of the project is Tk. 12,175.27 crore.

“We are very much concerned about environment as our Prime Minister strongly suggests protecting nature and environment in implementation of any uplift projects in the country,” State Minister for Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Nasrul Hamid told BSS.

He said the government achieved tremendous success in power sector as it ensures cent percent electricity coverage. Achieving such a big success has been possible due to dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, he added.

Hydro test of boiler combined, feed discharge and deaerator etc, of the first unit were completed on February 20, 2022 and chemical cleaning was completed on March 16, 2022. The air tightness test of reheat piping has been completed, while boiler insulation and painting work will be completed soon.

Turbine Generator 1 Rotor alignment and various parts of insulation and lube oil flushing have been completed. Surface rubber lining of FGD 1 Absorber Tower was completed on April 6, 2022. Chimney Flu Can joining was completed on March 30, 2022. Auxiliary boiler commissioning has been completed.

Necessary works related to boiler steam blowing and light-up is in progress. Demineralization (DM) and pre-treated water production is in operation. Coal storage path structural erection and belt laying of conveyor 2,3,4,5 have been completed. Coal Shed-1 and Limestone Shed Structure Erection has been completed. Erection and commissioning of switchgear and service transformer at different places is in progress.

Limestone ball mill placement and internal rubber lining have been completed. Work is underway for ship unloading, primary screening house, blending silo, crusher house, fly ash and bottom ash hopper, silo and ash dyke. Transport air compressor erection has been completed.

Besides, air leak test of Unit 2 of boiler drainable hydro circuit has been completed. Erection of coal mill, coal bunker, ID fans, PA fan-1, FD fan-1 etc, has been completed. HP turbine erection and LP turbine box up of turbine generator-2 has been completed. Equipment erection of cooling tower 2B has been completed.

The 230 KV double circuit transmission line (24 km) has been completed for power evacuation. Line charging has been completed on August 29, 2021, 230 KV GIS charging on September 9, 2021 and start-up transformer charging on September 26, 2021.

Erection of 400 kV GIS module is in progress. The work of 400 KV double circuit transmission line (173 km) is being implemented by PGCB, out of which the civil work of 7 piers for laying transmission line (7.4 km) of Padma River crossing section is being implemented by Padma Bridge Authority.

Earlier, March 3, 2022, coal purchase and supply contract to the project jetty has been signed. The coal supply will start when the coal handling process will be ready.

The agreement to purchase limestone and supply it to the project jetty for sulfur removal in environmental protection was executed on April 6, 2022.

A Joint Venture Agreement (JVA) was signed on January 29, 2012 and the equity investment was 50:50 ratio. The project cost estimated at Taka 16,000 crore, of which ECA financing Taka 12,800 crore.

Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and NTPC Ltd., India (Equity) providing Tk.1,600 crore each. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) was signed with BPDB for 25 years.

Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL), India is working as the EPC contractor.

Founder Editor : Late Golam Mustofa Sarowar (Sagor Sarowar) Editor: Rafiqul Bashar 2/3-A Purana Palton, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Phone: +8801552315745 Email : [email protected],