Hurst EGO Series Tri-Fuel Boiler
Hurst Boiler is proud to introduce the completely new and innovative Hurst EGO Series 3-Fuel Boiler. These EGO Series Boilers can be fired with any of three different fuels: gas, oil, or electricity.
Designed on the Hurst Euro Series footprint, the EGO Series can produce power either by gas or oil utilizing a burner and/or by electricity using a configuration of resistive electric elements to achieve desired horsepower totals. Multiple combinations of combustible fuels and electricity and various maximum capacities can be engineered by Hurst to meet specifications.
Advantages: The EGO boiler has a significantly smaller footprint and provides more water and steam volume compared to a conventional boiler design. It eliminates downtime on switch-back from electricity to gas operation. This reduces the risk of losing system pressure and maximizes electricity on equal consumption. It can reduce the use of a stationary engineer to close the redundant boiler or switch to electricity-only operation when you have reduced steam consumption. The Hurst EGO Series boiler is factory packaged to include a Stackmaster Economizer to maximize efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Working with our partners SERL (Services Energetiques R.L. Inc.), this EGO Series Boiler was developed and engineered for a special infrastructure project required by a government agency in Quebec. These boilers can be fired with any combination of 3 different fuel sources – gas, oil, or electricity, making this one of the first such boilers of its kind. Featuring an unlimited power supply, and the ability to go “total fuel flex”, we aim to achieve the cheapest fuel input with near-zero emissions discharge. It’s been an amazing engineering journey for us.” stated Jeff Hurst, Hurst Boiler's VP of Marketing.
Hurst Boiler representatives will be available at Booth N8212 at the AHR EXPO 2022 in Las Vegas Jan 31 to Feb 3, where they will be showcasing the new EGO Series Boiler.
About Hurst Boiler Hurst Boiler has been manufacturing, designing, engineering, and servicing gas, oil, coal, solid waste, wood, biomass, and hybrid fuel-fired firetube and watertube steam and hot water boilers since 1967. With installations across all industries worldwide, Hurst Boiler is recognized for the highest code standards, innovative engineering and design, Energy Star rating, and renewable, sustainable solutions for green building design and operational efficiency. Also specialized in the manufacturing of modular biomass boiler systems, Hurst’s boiler vessel designs (CRN registered) include firebox, vertical tubeless, hybrid water/ fire-tube, and water-tube. Hurst manufactures seven different types of biomass stoker/gasifiers, which have used 2,000+ different types of biomass fuels. In addition to a complete line of steam and hot water boilers, Hurst Boiler also manufactures a complete line of Integrated Boiler Controls, boiler parts and boiler room peripherals and provides unparalleled turnkey after-market products and services to deliver complete installation and operation to its customers. To learn more about Hurst Boiler, please visit
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